Horoscope for the year 2019

We foretell the horocopes from the tarot cards. There are 12+1 special tarot cards chosen for each sign.

Every card is for one month of the year. One card is a key card for all year.

Horoscopes from tarot cards predict for you fortune teller Anežka from the Czech Republic.

When somebody is born, the stars appear in a particular position. Let´s read your horoscope which is pointed out for your Zodiac sign.

Tarots Horoscopes for the year 2019

Pisces( 21.02 - 20.03 ) Horoscopes for the year 2019

Aries( 21.03 - 20.04 ) Horoscopes for the year 2019

Taurus( 21.04 - 21.05 ) Horoscopes for the year 2019

Gemini( 22.05 - 21.06 ) Horoscopes for the year 2019

Cancer( 22.06 - 22.07 ) Horoscopes for the year 2019

January - Temperance

Quarrels, conflicts of interests, unfortunate turn of events, inauspicious meetings. Corruption and civil disorders.

February - Knight of swords

Communication and self-confidence. Emptiness and helplessness. Good ally with perceptive foresight. Somebody with the character of a hothead who appears fast and then disappears.

March - King of cups

You’ll get more interested in arts. You’ll enjoy the nicer side of life and you'll be aware of your responsibility more than ever before.

April - The Star

Outlook, understanding and hope for future. The card shows the fulfillment of wishes. Not always in the way which is expected but certainly with a good outcome. The Start is a sign of health and donation. The spiritual dimension should be considered.

May - Seven of wands

The key word is resistance. Rivalry. Keep defending your position and do not retreat from anybody. Persistently insist on your interest, because only steadfast attitude and unhesitating actions can result in success. In spite of an opposite semblance, you may win.

June - The Tower

Your outlived imagination about merits will disappear very quickly. It will be a big and painful shock for you. You’ll go through unexpected and inevitable changes that you don’t have to be scared of because those changes will make you stronger.

July - Death

This card adumbrates a shift, painful change, clarification that allows you to clear up something else, bitter faith, not caring about your personal feelings. Sporadically this card also symbolizes an actual death but this is not the case. Usually it suggests far-reaching life change and transformation.

August - Ace of wands

Taking the initiative is the key this month. Start of a new business. This card implies a new important business deal or new partnership.

September - The Sun

It is relatively possible that you will enjoy the happiness and joyfulness after going through a difficult period.

October - Three of wands

The key word is happiness. This card is the card of happiness. Success is waiting for you and your present worries will soon be a thing of the past. Still you must have patience and your problems will end soon.

November - Four of wands

The key word is prosperity. Successful outcome and conclusion of something you are working towards. It can mean personal profits and material prosperity. Symbolizes the home or shows the gaining of properties or an upcoming move.

December - Five of wands

The key word is poverty. Bankruptcy or other sensible detriment to which did not need to happen. Change quickly your attitude toward money.

Leo( 23.07 - 22.08 ) Horoscopes for the year 2019

Virgo( 23.08 - 22.09 ) Horoscopes for the year 2019

Libra( 23.09 - 23.10 ) Horoscopes for the year 2019

Scorpio( 24.10 - 22.11 ) Horoscopes for the year 2019

Sagittarius( 23.11 - 21.12 ) Horoscopes for the year 2019

Capricorn( 22.12 - 20.01 ) Horoscopes for the year 2019

Aquarius( 21.01 - 20.02 ) Horoscopes for the year 2019